Dharamshila Hospital India

Dharamshila Hospital IndiaDharamshila Hospital And Research Centre is North India’s first Cancer Hospital which has been serving cancer patients for more than two decades and provides facilities for Cancer Prevention, Early Diagnosis, Staging Work up and Comprehensive Treatment with a mission to fight and win the battle against cancer.

Nabh LogoA group of concerned relatives and friends of cancer patients felt the need to provide complete cancer treatment under one roof. They felt it was their Dharma (duty) to provide to cancer patients what was not available to their near and dear ones when they suffered with cancer.

They laid the Shila (foundation) of their duty by registering a non-government voluntary organization – Dharamshila Cancer Foundation and Research Centre (DCFRC) on 19 April 1990, with the sole objective of making cancer treatment available, accessible and afforadable. DCFRC Commissioned the first phase of the hospital with 100 beds in 1994 and expanded to 300 beds in 2006.Post a QueryPost a Query

Surgical Oncology

Surgical OncologyCentre for Cancer Surgeries (Surgical Oncology) at Dharamshila Hospital is the most trusted centre across the world for its excellent surgical skills State-of-the-art Infrastructure and adoption of Professional standards (both nationally and internationally). Patients with solid tumors, breast cancer, Head and Neck Cancer, Ovarian Cancer, Cervix Cancer, Oesophageal Cancer, liver cancer, Pancreatic cancer, Colorectal Cancer, Bladder Cancer, Brain Tumours etc. can come to Dharamshila Hospital with the assurance that skilled, experienced surgeons are backed by powerful interdisciplinary insights and extensive trainings.

Cancer surgery is one of the most important modality of cancer treatment used for curing early stages of cancer of any part of the body from head to toe. Cancer surgery is also used for providing symptomatic relief to patients with advanced disease. Centre for Cancer Surgeries at Dharamshila Hospital undertakes all routine, high risk and emergency surgeries. High success rate with minimal complications has been the tradition of the Centre. Depending on indications and patient’s preference laser surgeries, endoscopic surgeries / open surgeries are performed.Refer a PatientRefer a Patient

Medical Oncology Centre

Medical Oncology Medical Oncology Centre is the busiest centre at Dharamshila Cancer Hospital and Research Centre in India and handles a work load of 200 – 300 patients (adults and children) per day in OPD, Daycare and IPD. As the name suggests Medical oncology is a division of oncology which takes care of medical needs of cancer patinets with medicines instead of surgery or radiation.

The scope of work in Medical Oncology includes taking care of Preventive, Diagnsostic and Therapeutic needs of patinets; Supportive care; Teaching and Training Programmes of Doctor and Nurses (DNB Medical Oncology and Post Basic Diploma in Nursing Oncology) and undertaking various National and Global Multicentric Research Projects.Post a QueryPost a Query

Radiation Oncology

Radiation Oncology Centre at Dharamshila Hospital is a unique centre which has maintained its position of being a show window of the latest cutting edge technologies launched in International Markets. The centre works with a totally patient centric approach to provide personalized, safe, efficient and high quality Radiation therapy.

The centre treats all types of cancers of the body from head to toe and is constantly adding newer technologies and taking innovative steps to benefit the cancer patients. This constant pace of innovation yields the potential for greater accuracy, short treatment time, reduced integral dose (one tenth, to prevent damages to healthy tissues surroundings the tumour), increased tumour control probability and above all possibility of modulating the radiation intensity with single or multiple arcs.Refer a PatientRefer a Patient

Cancer Centers of Excellence
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